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Examination Committee

The Duthler Academy examination committee ensures the quality of the training programs by:

  • Managing the Training and Examination Regulations (TER) of the Academy;
  • Organizing the recognized status of the Duthler Academy; and
  • Educational assessment of programs.

The examination committee creates the preconditions for companies and individuals/students to follow certified training courses that add value to business operations and personal development.


The examination board maintains and applies an TER. This currently applies to the Data Protection Officer Training Program. If desired, an TER can apply to other courses.

If you see an area of ​​application, please contact the service desk.

Recognized status

We offer training to the public under the recognized status of the NRTO, CRKBO and Cedeo.

Assess programs

You can develop, apply and manage training programs for your business activities. If the relevant knowledge is of strategic importance for your products and services, we call it trade secrets.

If the training programs serve a general interest, you should consider having the programs accredited by the Examination Board and offering them to interested parties using our training logistics. A middle path is also possible by designating the learning environments for which the training courses are developed.

Questions? Feel free to contact us!

If you have additional wishes, please do not hesitate to contact the service desk. They will answer your question or refer you to the professional who will help you further. Feel free to contact us at +31 (0) 70 392 22 09 or