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Dutch Council for Training and Education (NRTO)

The Dutch Council for Training and Education (NRTO) has an important role in putting private training in the Netherlands on the agenda. Quality and professionalism in the training market deserve a quality mark. A provider with the NRTO quality mark meets high quality requirements and has been tested for this by an external certification body. A provider with the NRTO quality mark is transparent about products and services, offers adequate services, has professional dealings with customers, has expert staff and measures customer satisfaction.

Disputes Board

The members of the NRTO are affiliated with the Foundation for Consumer Disputes Committee. The Disputes Committee for Private Educational Institutions has been established to settle disputes between the customer and the provider insofar as the disputes relate to the services and / or goods to be delivered or delivered by the provider.

The Disputes Committee can only be appealed if the internal complaints procedure with the provider has been completed without this having resulted in a solution. When a dispute is dealt with by the independent Disputes Committee for Private Educational Institutions, the General Terms and Conditions of the relevant member of the NRTO and the NRTO Code of Conduct are central to the decision. Via this link, the accreditation can be found at the NRTO.