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Functionality Board

Duthler Academy’s Functionality Board collects, analyses, prioritises, develops, implements and manages functional and non-functional requests from users of company-specific learning environments.

Three times a year, Duthler Academy organizes a virtual meeting of users of the company-specific learning environments and discusses the state of affairs. The input for the meetings comes from the user group, experiences of Duthler Academy and eFaktor and Moodle community.


Duthler Academy provides an invitation for every meeting. We use the following schedule for 2023

  • For the summer holidays; and
  • In the autumn,

Functional requests

We can process functional requests in the master tenant, develop them ourselves or submit them to eFaktor, who submits the request to Moodle workplace.


Non-functional requests relate to protecting personal data and organizing information security.


The company-specific learning environment can be expanded with a range of Apps. An App may not negatively affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data processing in the learning environment. This is why Duthler Academy, in collaboration with eFaktor, assesses the extent to which an App contributes functionally and non-functionally to the company-specific learning environment.

Zelf doen

A company can decide to use Moodle LMS but not the services of Duthler Academy. We respect this decision and provide direct service with eFaktor.

Questions? Feel free to contact us!

If you have additional wishes, please do not hesitate to contact the service desk. They will answer your question or refer you to the professional who will help you further. Feel free to contact us at +31 (0) 70 392 22 09 or